Non native mammal species are damaging the UK countryside

The trust said some of the creatures have been in the UK for so long, they are thought of as indigenous. A number of non-native mammal species are damaging the UK countryside by eating crops and threatening wildlife, a conservation charity has warned. A report by the People's Trust for Endangered Species identified 14 problem species including rats , American mink and muntjac deer. It said it was important to stop the extinction of native species. American minks prey on water voles while grey squirrels, which were introduced to the UK in the 19th century carry the deadly squirrelpox virus and outcompete the native red squirrel when it comes to hunting for food and habitats. According to the report, two of the UK's fastest declining native species the red squirrel and the water vole - which has declined by 90% - are under threat by mammals introduced by humans in the last two centuries. The trust also warned the red-necked wallaby is capable of damaging capercaillie birds on Loc...